Among the secrets to enjoying cooking more is to be sure you never run out of thoughts. Obviously, you may always find yummy recipes on the market, and you may also apply your imagination to your ingredients and recipes. If house cooking remains a challenge for you, learn a few simple tips to make you a pro in healthful foods you cook directly in your house. Home cooking is a simple and fun process. All it requires is just a small planning done for your meals and all your imagination.If you're after a Recipes or menu for Peanut Butter Fudge I, you've observed it, listed below are available thousands of delicious menus food, the Peanut Butter Fudge I recipes is among the favorite menus with this blog.
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Peanut Butter Fudge I |
"This recipe has never failed me. It is awesome."
Ingredients :
- 2 cups packed brown sugar
- 2 cups white sugar
- 4 tablespoons butter
- 1 cup milk
- 1 1/2 cups peanut butter
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 2 cups miniature marshmallows
Instructions :
Prep : | Cook : 16M | Ready in : |
- Butter one 9x9 inch pan and set aside.
- In a 3 quart saucepan, combine white sugar, brown sugar, milk, and butter. Cook to soft ball stage, 234 tiers F (112 levels C). Remove from warmness.
- Stir in peanut butter, vanilla and marshmallows; preserve stirring till marshmallows are melted. Pour into prepared pan and cool. Cut into squares and serve.
Notes :
All recipes for this dish can allow you to get a new and favorable cooking encounter in your kitchen and create healthier and more delicious food choices. No matter the event, make it a dinner party or just a snack for yourself, it's easy to find pure food recipes that are right for you. If this Peanut Butter Fudge I recipe suits your family's flavour, please share, remark and bookmark this web site, so others know very well what you know. Many thanks for the go to here!
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